MOC conduct all activities in a safe manner for the protection of Health, Safety, Security and of the Environment. MOC will strive for continued improvement towards these factors through its performances, procedures & policies
Other HSSE contributions will include:-
- Motivate and stimulate the employees on HSSE matters and to actively promote 'goal-zero' status towards accidents & incidents.
- Promote efficient accident reporting, investigation and to take corrective actions to prevent reoccurrence.
- Develop risk assessment procedures to eliminate injury to personnel and damage to property.
- Provide the necessary training at all levels to enable each individual to carry out his work safely.
- Take every measure to minimize any environmental impact.
- Develop contingency and emergency procedures to minimize consequences of accidents.
We continued to review and improve our health and safety programs, targeting specifically those activities that carry the greatest risk to our employees and the public. Such programs will include:-
- Conducting emergency response drills/exercise.
- Monitoring Health conditions of every staffs.
- Random alcohol tests.
- Seal-belt compliances checks.